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Creating an Authoritative Online Presence – The Ultimate Guide

Creating an authoritative online presence is a must if you want to survive the competition and scale to the success top in the ever changing world of digital transformation.

Hence, to win online, you need to be deliberate about establishing visibility, credibility and authority online. 

Consider these statistics:

  • According to Forbes, there are 1.3 billion websites worldwide. 
  • 99,000 searches are processed every second on Google. This makes up 8.5 billion searches per day and approximately 2 trillion each year. This is a discovery from SEO.ai. 
  • Statista discovered that 95.8% internet users access the internet via their smartphones and 62.9% use laptops. 

From these stats, it’s obvious that several activities, including buying and selling happen online. So, if you’re offline or have a weak online presence, you’re leaving your success chances to your competitors.

As a CEO, business owner, or founder, having a website helps you easily promote your business, sell your digital or physical product, or services depending on what you do. 

BendingWaters can help you design websites that meet the standard of this digital age and to serve your unique needs.

Social media channels are also a very common way by which businesses establish themselves online today. Building yours perfectly with the right branding strategy is possible with BendingWaters.

Much more than the above, BendingWaters offers support and maintenance for your website in case of glitches and troubleshooting that may emerge as you actively use it.

In addition to this, BendingWaters can help manage your social media accounts to growth, based on your goals.

Now, here’s the truth,

Just being online, owning a website or having social media pages are not enough. You need to create an authoritative online presence to become visible online. This is the essence of this article. 

In the next subheading, we shall explore tips that will guide you to creating an authoritative online presence. 

But before then, let’s talk about 3 popular brands that have built an authoritative online presence over the years. From them, we shall then proceed to point out the practices they adopted to become so powerful, and authoritative online.

Let’s get started. 

Top 3 Brands With An Authoritative Digital Presence

1. GoPro

Go Pro is recognized as the world’s best Camera that recorded huge online success. Here below are figures to this claim. 

This brand has a powerful online presence – a whooping 21,000,000+ instagram followers, 22,400+ twitter followers, and over 10,000,000 Facebook followers. 

Also looking through the GoPro brand social media platforms, you’ll find a perfect description of value creation at its peak, promotion and consistent engagement with customers. 

  • Go Pro uses instagram to showcase their product quality.
  • They use Facebook primarily for brand promotion, as well as client acquisition, and building trust with existing customers.
  • They use YouTube to show tips and tutorials on how to use their products. 
  • GoPro further encourages engagements by holding contests, thus skyrocketing engagement on its social media channels. 

2. Nike

Nike is another brand that has built an authoritative online presence utilizing social media. 

It has over 307,000,000 instagram followers, 10,000,000 million twitter followers and over 39,000,000+ followers on facebook.

Nike uses Facebook, specifically for campaigns. On Nike’s instagram page, you’d find inspirational videos of athletes performing in Nike shoes as well as other fitness products they sell. 

They sell the benefits and usefulness of their products. Also, their features are apparent in the videos they share. 

3. Spotify

Spotify leverages social media a lot to air its campaign. In addition to this, they use the mainstream media, and create user experiences with videos and posts they share. 

Spotify is a master when it comes to the marketing game of Ad creation, and their visibility and reach is a proves the expertise of their marketing team.

Let’s now get right into the article proper. 

3 Proven Strategies For Creating An Authoritative Presence Online

Taking a cue from these top brands, we came up with 3 proven strategies for creating an authoritative online presence. We believe that when you utilize them, it will give you some heads up to devising a combination of best strategies that will help you create an authoritatvie online presence too. 

Let’s get started. 

  1.  Build A Highly Converting Website

To build a business that will get visible online, you need to be online. Having a website for your business is an easy way to take your business from brick and mortar store or space to an online space. 

A website can be built to showcase the product and services you sell, and to give further value to prospects via content. It also helps people who visit your website easily navigate the pages to contact you. 

What’s more?

With a website, you can:

  • Allow your customers make an online purchase
  • Send lead magnets to prospects (to get lead contacts)
  • Allow visitors sign up for your newsletters (if you have one)
  • Get visible online (when you leverage SEO)
  • Build authority and credibility over time
  • Automate and sell while you sleep 

Your website has to be well designed to attract potential customers who would eventually patronize you. To build a highly converting website, you should note these:

  • Build for your prospects (not yourself)
  • Make it easy to navigate
  • Use scroll stopping, magnetic designs
  • Optimize for mobile
  • Use clear Calls To Action where neccessary

Following all of the above, you can be sure your website can convert visitors to customers.

The brands we used as examples earlier all have a highly converting website. It’s therefore vital to have one in building an authoritative online presence. 

BendingWaters is known for its expertise in building converting website for clients. Check out BendingWaters portfolio as proof. Beyond that, attracting visitors to your website and generating leads for your business is a success when you call on Bending Waters. 

  1. Leverage Social Media Channels 

Creating an authoritative online presence without the effective use of social media channels is a mere dream. It will never come to reality. 

Social media channels allow people to relate with people, business, places and events without having to leave their dorm room. People learn about a business, its culture, values and past clients (their experiences) before thinking to initiate purchase or apply for the service the business offers. 

Finally, with an effective social media strategy, you can do the following:

  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Create brand awareness
  • Build trust with audience
  • Spark conversations leading to conversions
  • Ensure customer satisfaction

Below are some tips you could use in leveraging social media channels to  creating an authoritative online presence. 

  • Choose the right platform based on your business type.
  • Create and optimize your social media channels or pages.
  • Create and share relatable content that engages your audience. 
  • Build a community of engaged audience, fostering inclusion and loyalty. 
  • Reach larger audience leveraging social media paid advertising. 

If you need help effectively carrying out all of these, contact Bending Waters

  1. Share Quality Content

Content is one of the most effective strategy to building an authoritative online presence. In fact, humans upload about 60% of content everyday (Siteefy). Hence, content is all over the online media. There’s a lot of competition ongoing with content.

Therefore, ensuring your content – whether blog, infographics, video, e-books, case studies, e.t.c – is of high quality, helps you cut through the noise and beat your competitors. 

Below are few tips for creating quality content:

  • Research thoroughly on the topic you’re writing
  • Have a defined structure for writing
  • Be friendly and engaging 
  • Use clear, simple words

All in all, your content has to depict authority and thought leadership, presenting you as an expert that knows his craft. With quality content, creating an authoritative online presence is sure achievable.

In conclusion, creating an authoritative online presence is an ongoing, consistent effort. Besides owning a website, utilizing social media, and creating quality content, you need to consistently follow trends relevant to your industry per time, refining your strategies for maximum result. 

Need support with creating an authoritative online presence? Call Bending Waters Today.

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